Sat. Feb 8th, 2025

CIT-002 Solved Assignment 2024-25

Course Code : CIT-002

Course Title : Introduction to Information Technology

Assignment Number : CIT/CIT-002/ASSIGN/2024-25

Maximum Marks : 25

Last Dates for Submission :

31st October 2024 (For July Session) ;

15th April 2025 (For January Session)


There are four questions in this assignment. Answer all the questions. The examples, whenever asked to be given, should be different from those that are discussed in the corresponding course material.

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Question 1: (Covers Block 1) (6 marks)

(a) Define the term Data, Information, Knowledge and Wisdom. How are they related to each other? Explain any two technologies that are used for storing data.

(b) List and explain the features of Traditional computer based technologies in the context of ICT. What is digital divide? What is the effect of digital divide on employment and development?

(c) What are the functions of digital identity? Explain with the help of an example. What are the different cyber crimes? How can the cyber crimes be prevented?

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Question 2: (Covers Block 2) (2+1+2+2= 7 marks)

(a) What are different types of e-Commerce? Explain each with the help of an example. List any four systems of payments. Explain any one of these giving its advantages and disadvantages.

(b) What is e-Democracy? Compare e-Democracy with e-Government.

(c) Explain the features of any three media creation tools and any three interactive tools in the context of eLearning.

(d) Explain the use of ICT in maintaining online health records, and patient monitoring and Home care.

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Question 3: (Covers Block 3) (6 marks)

(a) List the phases of development of a MIS. List any 10 requirements for development of an Information System for a University.

(b) Explain the following components of an MIS.

  1. i) Manufacturing and Logistics
  2. ii) Finance and Accounting

(c) List the features of the following IT projects in India – AGMARKNET, ERNET.


Question 4: (Covers Block 4) (6 marks)

(a) List the characteristics of an embedded system? Explain different types of embedded operating systems.

(b) Explain the following in the context of HCI:

(i) Optical Scanner, and Headphones

(ii) Graphical User Interfaces

(iii) Hypertext  

(c) Explain the following in the context of Computer Vision:

(i) Image Processing

(ii) Pixel

(iii) Photogrammetry

(iv) Occlusion

(v) Illumination

(vi) Video Surveillance

To get the solution of this (CIT-002) assignment, click on the button below:

You can also purchase all four assignments (CIT-001, CIT-002, CIT-003, and CITL-001) together by clicking the button below:


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