Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

    Madhyamik ABTA Test Papers 2024 : English Page 104

    ENGLISH (Second Language)


    1. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:

    As he entered the school gate, an idea occurred to him. He would deliver the letter to the headmaster at the end of the day. There was a chance Samuel might do something during the course of the day to justify the letter.

    Swami stood at the entrance to his class. Samuel was teaching arithmetic. He looked at Swami. Swami hoped Samuel would scold him severely.

    “You are half an hour late”, Samuel said.

    “I have a headache, Sir”. Swami said.

    “Then way did you come at all?”

    This was an unexpected question from Samuel.

    Swami said, “My father said I shoudn’t miss school, Sir.”

    Samuel looked impressed. “Your father is quite right. We want more parents like him.”

    “Oh, you poor man!” Swami thought, “You don’t know what my father has done to you.”

    “All right, go to your seat.”

    Swami sat down, feeling sad. He had never met anyone as good as Samuel.

    The teacher was inspecting the home lessons. To Swami’s thinking, this was the time when Samuel got most angry. But today Samuel appeared very gentle.


    A. Write the correct alternative in the given space to complete the following sentences:

    (a) Swami found that Samuel was teaching

    (i) trigonometry (ii) geometry (iii) arithmetic (iv) logarithm

    Answer: (iii)arithmetic


    (b) Swami said that he was suffering from a

    (i) toothache (ii) headache (iii) backache (iv) kneeache

    Answer: (ii) headache


    (c) When Samuel learned that Swami’s father had sent him to school, he 

    (i) praised him (ii) thanked him (iii) criticised him (iv) rebuked him

    Answer: (i)praised him


    (d) Swami guessed that Samuel got very angry when he checked

    (i) class work (ii) remedial work (iii) term papers (iv) home work

    Answer: (iv) home work

    (e) That day Samuel surprisingly

    (i) behaved well (ii) got angry (iii) misbehaved (iv) scolded the students.

    Answer: (i) behaved well


    B. Complete the following senctences with information from the text: 

    (i) The idea occurred to Swami was that ______.

    (ii) Swami thought that Samuel did not know ______.

    (iii) Swami had never met ______.


    (i) The idea occurred to Swami was that he would deliver the letter to the headmaster at the end of the day.

    (ii) Swami thought that Samuel did not know what his father had done to him.

    (iii) Swami had never met anyone as good as Samuel.


    C. Fill in the chart with information for the text.

    (i) (i) Samuel might do something during the course of the day to justify the letter.
    (ii) Samuel was impressed.(ii)


    (i) Swami hoped Samuel would scold him severely.(i) Samuel might do something during the course of the day to justify the letter.
    (ii) Samuel was impressed.(ii) Swami’s father said he shouldn’t miss school.


    2. Read the following lines and answer the questions that follow:

    Once I crept in an oak-wood – I was looking for a stag.
    I met an old woman there – all knobbly stick and rag.
    She said: ‘I have your secret here inside my little bag’.

    Then she began to cackle and I began to quake.
    She opened up her little bag and I came twice awake –
    Surrounded by a staring tribe and me tied to a stake.

    They said: ‘We are the oak-trees and your own true family.
    We are chopped down, we are torn up, you do not blink an eye.
    Unless you make a promise now – now you are going to die’.


    A. Tick (√) the right answer :

    (a) The poet of the poem is

    (i) William Wordsworth (ii) Ted Hughes (iii) William Cowper (iv) John Masefield

    Answer: (ii) Ted Hughes (√)


    (b) The poet entered the oak-wood

    (i) hobbling (ii) creeping (iii) running (iv) rolling

    Answer: (ii) creeping (√)


    (c) “You do not blink an eye” suggests man’s

    (i) indifference (ii) sympathy (iii) empathy (iv) repentance

    Answer: (i) indifference (√)


    (d) The oak. trees claim to be the poet’s

    (i) friends (ii) foes (iii) relatives (iv) own family members

    Answer: (iv) own family members (√)


    B. Answer the following questions:

    (i) What did the poet see when the old lady opened up her little bag?

    Answer: When the old lady opened up her little bag, the poet saw a vision of himself surrounded by a tribe of oak trees and tied to a stake.


    (ii) “I came twice awake” – What is the meaning of ‘twice awake’ here?

    Answer: “I came twice awake” means that the poet became more conscious and aware of his situation and the reality of the oak trees’ plight. It also implies that he was in a dream-like state before the old lady opened the bag.

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    3. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:

    Kolkata, 18 April: As the mercury levels in the city hover around 40-degrees, authorities at Zoological Garden, Alipore, have implemented a number of summer care measures to beat the heat and keep the animals in the enclosures as comfortable as possible.

    Enclosures have artificial water pools in them for the animals to drench and submerge. Once the water gets hot, the pools are refilled. The authorities have installed more sprinklers which are used to bathe them multiple times throughout the day.

    Crocodiles can adjust their body temperatures accordingly with their surroundings, they have been staying in the water most of the time. Fans have been installed in the reptiles enclosures. Animals who require a cooler environment, like kangaroos, have air coolers inside their enclosures. A variety of bird cages, including those for cassowaries, macaws and lovebirds, have been covered with shades.

    Major changes have also been brought in the diet of the animals. Chimpanzees are being given lassi and bael, and birds are fed a variety of summer fruits with high water content like watermelons. The big cats are under the supervision of veterinarians and the amount of meat in their diet is being reduced or altered. The Indian black bears are given a specific mixture of curd and rice because they are hairy, heat sensitive creatures. (Adapted from an article published in The Statesman, dated 19th April 2023)

    A. Tick (√) the right answer :

    (i) The temperature of Kolkata rises around –

    (a) 30° (b) 35° (c) 40° (d) 45°

    Answer: (c) 40°


    (ii) There are pools in the enclosures for the animals to –

    (a) quench thirst (b) drench and submerge (c) swim (d) catch fish

    Answer: (b) drench and submerge


    (iii) Most of the time crocodiles have been –

    (a) staying in the water (b) basking in the sun (c) eating meat (d) chasing one another

    Answer: (a) staying in the water


    (iv) Fans have been installed in the enclosures of –

    (a) monkeys (b) birds (c) snakes (d) bears

    Answer: (c) snakes


    (v) Chimpanzees are being served –

    (a) coconut water (b) bael (c) cold water (d) bael and lassi

    Answer: (d) bael and lassi


    (vi) The birds are given –

    (a) juicy fruits  (b) dry fruits (c) cereals (d) seeds.

    Answer: (a) juicy fruits

    B. Each of the following statements is either ‘True’ or ‘False’. Write ‘T’ for ‘True’ and ‘F’ for ‘False’ in the boxes on the right-hand side. Also pickout suitable line(s) or phrase(s) from the passage in support of your answers:

    (i) The zoo authorities have taken measures to make the environment comfortable for themselves.

    Supporting Sentence

    Answer: False

    Supporting Sentence: The passage does not mention any measures taken for the zoo authorities, only for the animals.


    (ii) The animals are allowed ed to shower themselves multiple times.

    Supporting Sentence

    Answer: True

    Supporting Sentence: The authorities have installed more sprinklers which are used to bathe them multiple times throughout the day.


    (iii) Air coolers have been installed outside the enclosures of kangaroos.

    Supporting Sentence.

    Answer: False

    Supporting Sentence: Animals who require a cooler environment, like kangaroos, have air coolers inside their enclosures.


    C. Answer the following questions:

    (i) What measures have been taken for the animals to make themselves wet?

    Answer: The measures taken for the animals to make themselves wet are:

    • Enclosures have artificial water pools in them for the animals to drench and submerge.
    • The authorities have installed more sprinklers which are used to bathe them multiple times throughout the day.


    (ii) How are the birds taken care of in the zoo?

    Answer: The birds are taken care of in the zoo by:

    • A variety of bird cages, including those for cassowaries, macaws and lovebirds, have been covered with shades.
    • Birds are fed a variety of summer fruits with high water content like watermelons.


    (iii) Who take care of the big cats and how?

    Answer: The big cats are taken care of by:

    • Veterinarians who supervise their health and diet.
    • The amount of meat in their diet is being reduced or altered.


    (iv) What are given to the Indian black bears and why?

    Answer: The Indian black bears are given:

    • A specific mixture of curd and rice because they are hairy, heat sensitive creatures.

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    4. Write the correct alternatives to fill in the blanks:

    Since last 3-4 matches I ______ (am saying/have been saying/was saying) the same thing at the toss : if we ______ (play/have played/played) well collectively, result ______ (was/is/will be) in our favour.

    Answer: Since last 3-4 matches I have been saying the same thing at the toss : if we play well collectively, result will be in our favour.

    5. Do as directed:

    A. Fill in the blanks with appropriate article or preposition: 

    A spell ______ thundershowers had brought temporary relief ________ scorching conditions. But ______ the next two days were back to being hot and sultry.

    Answer: A spell of thundershowers had brought temporary relief from scorching conditions. But the next two days were back to being hot and sultry.


    B. (i) The teacher said to the boys, “Don’t be cruel to street dogs”. (Change the mode of narration)

    Answer: The teacher told the boys not to be cruel to street dogs.


    (ii) Sachin Tendulkar is one of the greatest cricketers of the world. (Turn into comparative degree)

    Answer: Sachin Tendulkar is greater than most other cricketers of the world.


    (iii) A lost moment is lost forever. (Make it a complex sentence)

    Answer: When a moment is lost, it is lost forever.


    C. Choose the correct phrasal verbs from the list given below to replace the words underlined. Write the correct phrasal verbs in the boxes on the right hand side changing the form where necessary. There is one extra phrasal verb in the list.

    [break up, put out, turn up, call off]

    (i) The fire has been extinguished quickly.

    (ii) The authority cancelled the meeting.

    (iii) Our school closes at 4:30 p.m.


    (i) The fire has been put out quickly.

    (ii) The authority called off the meeting.

    (iii) Our school breaks up at 4:30 p.m.


    6. Given below are the meanings of four words which you will find in the Question No.3. Find out the words and write them in the appropriate boxes on the right-hand side:

    (i) suitable actions

    (ii) placed in position

    (iii) prescribed food

    (iv) persons who treat animals.


    (i) suitable actions – measures

    (ii) placed in position – installed

    (iii) prescribed food – diet

    (iv) persons who treat animals – veterinarians

    SECTION-C (Writing)

    7. Your school has undertaken a tree plantation drive. Suppose you are the secretary of the Eco Club of your school. Now write a notice informing the students about groups of participants, date, time, place of the programme.


    Date: 13/12/2023

    Subject: Tree Plantation Drive

    The Eco Club of our school has organized a tree plantation drive on 20/12/2023 (Monday) to celebrate the World Environment Day. The drive will start at 9:00 am and end at 12:00 pm. The venue is the vacant land near the school playground.

    The students who are interested in participating in this drive are requested to register their names with the Eco Club members by 18/12/2023 (Saturday). The participants will be divided into four groups, each led by a teacher-in-charge. The groups will plant different types of saplings provided by the club.

    The aim of this drive is to create awareness about the importance of trees and to make our school campus greener and cleaner. All the students are encouraged to join this noble initiative and contribute to the environmental conservation.

    For any queries or suggestions, please contact the undersigned.

    Eco Club


    8. Write a paragraph (within 100 words) on ‘Water Conservation’ using the following points:

    [Points: Water, other name of life resources gradually decreasing – misuse and wastage increasing – need of conservation – measures for conservation – conclusion]


    Water is essential for life, but it is also a scarce and finite resource. Due to population growth, industrialization, urbanization, and climate change, the demand for water is increasing, while the supply is decreasing. Many people misuse and waste water, unaware of its value and importance. Therefore, it is necessary to conserve water and use it wisely. Some of the measures for water conservation are: harvesting rainwater, recycling wastewater, repairing leaks, using low-flow fixtures, practicing water-efficient irrigation, and educating people about water conservation. By saving water, we can ensure the availability of water for ourselves and future generations, as well as protect the environment and biodiversity.


    9. Write a newspaper report (within 100 words) about a road accident using the following hints:

    [Hints – date and time – place – cause of accident – rescue operation- casualties – measures taken]


    A tragic road accident claimed the lives of two people and injured four others on Monday, December 11, 2023. The accident occurred around 8:30 am at the busy intersection of Diamond Harbour Road and James Long Sarani in Thakurpukur, Kolkata. According to eyewitnesses, a speeding bus collided with a car, which then hit a motorcycle and a rickshaw. The impact of the collision was so severe that the car and the motorcycle caught fire. The passengers of the bus and the rickshaw managed to escape with minor injuries, but the driver and the passenger of the car and the rider of the motorcycle were trapped inside the burning vehicles. The local residents and the police rushed to the spot and tried to douse the flames and rescue the victims. However, by the time the fire brigade arrived, the car and the motorcycle were completely charred and the occupants were dead. The injured were taken to a nearby hospital for treatment. The police have registered a case against the bus driver for rash and negligent driving and are investigating the cause of the accident. The authorities have also announced compensation for the families of the deceased and the injured. The accident has raised concerns over the safety and regulation of traffic in the city, especially during the peak hours.

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