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    OSS 101 Solved Question Paper December 2010

    OSS-101 : Preparatory Course in Social Sciences

    OSS 101 Solved Question Paper December 2010

    Time : 2 hours

    Maximum Marks : 50

    General instructions :

    Preparatory course in Social Sciences (OSS – 101)

    Questions 1 – 50. 

     (i) All questions are compulsory, each of which carries one mark.

    (ii)  Each question has four alternatives, one of which is correct. Write the serial number of your correct alternatives/answers below the corresponding question number in the answer Sheet and then mark the rectangle for the same number in that column. If you find that none of the given alternatives is correct then write 0 and mark in column 0.

    (iii) Do not waste time in reading the whole question paper. Go on solving questions one by one. You may come back to the left out questions, if you have time at the end.

     1.   Social facts are relevant:

    1. Universally
    2. Within a specific social context
    3. Only sometimes
    4. For ethnic groups


    2.   Social Sciences are scientific studies of human society because:

    1. They study commonsense knowledge only
    2. They are well planned, systematic studies that are based on specialised knowledge
    3. Any lay person can understand its subject matter easily
    4. All of the above


    3.   Social Sciences do not include:

    1. Sociology
    2. Economics
    3. Philosophy
    4. History


    4.   Why people travel away from home?

    1. For a change of environment
    2. Interacting with new culture
    3. Interacting with new social groups
    4. All of the above


    5.   Public administration has been drawing on its intellectual resources of which subject?

    1. Economics
    2. Political science
    3. Sociology
    4. All of the above


    6.   Which one of the following is not a branch of medicine?

    1. Ayurveda
    2. Unani
    3. Siddha
    4. Telepathy


    7.   In England the transition from agrarian stage to industrial stage is known as:

    1. Neolithic revolution
    2. Industrial revolution
    3. Capitalistic revolution
    4. None of the above


    8.   What are the main features of agrarian society?

    1. The capacity for food production
    2. Surplus generation
    3. None of the above
    4. Both (1) and (2)


    9.   The first stage of human life is traced to extend from:

    1. One million years ago-till about Ten thousand years ago
    2. One million years ago-till about Eight thousand years ago
    3. One million years ago-till about Nine thousand years ago
    4. None of the above


    10.  Nationalistic and authoritarian movement founded by Mussolini is known as:

    1. Nazism
    2. Fascism
    3. Jainism
    4. Taoism


    11.  An elaborate and comprehensive division of labour creating different types of Specialists refers to:

    1. Feudal society
    2. Modern society
    3. Hunting gathering society
    4. Agrarian society


    12..  Country which did not take lead in dominating world in pre industrial phase:

    1. Spain
    2. Italy
    3. Portugal
    4. Holland


    13.  According to Kautilya how many Limbs the state had?

    1. Five
    2. Seven
    3. 5Four
    4. Six


    14.  Early Vedic period cover the period of:

    1. 1500 B.C. – 1000 B.C.
    2. 1700 B.C. – 1200 B.C.
    3. 1000 B.C. – 600 B.C.
    4. 2000 B.C. – 1500 B.C.


    15.  Which period saw the beginning of use of iron?

    1. Later Vedic Period
    2. 6th century BC
    3. Both of the above
    4. None of the above


    16.  Who was appointed as the viceroy of India to arrange the final transfer of power to Indian hands?

    1. Subhash Chandra Bose
    2. Lord Mountbatten
    3. Sister Nivedita
    4. Annie Besant


    17.  The revolt of 1857 started from:

    1. Barrackpore
    2. Meerut
    3. Bundelkhand
    4. Awadh


    18.  The first President of Indian National Congress was:

    1. Umesh Chandra Banerjee
    2. Surendranath Banerjee
    3. Dadabhai naoroji
    4. Mahatma Gandhi


    19.  Which of the following four goals constitute the basic objective of our constitutional order?

    1. Liberty, equality, fraternity and dignity
    2. Justice, Liberty, equality and fraternity
    3. Justice, equality, unity and integrity
    4. Justice, Liberty, equality and sovereignty


    20.  Which one of the following is not true about fundamental rights?

    1. Fundamental rights are the rights of persons
    2. Fundamental rights are justiciable
    3. Fundamental rights are without exceptions
    4. Fundamental rights include all the basic liberties


    21.  The retirement age of High Court Judges is:

    1. 60 years
    2. 66 years
    3. 62 years
    4. 58 years


    22.  Article 3 of the Constitution deals with the:

    1. Parliament by law can make a new state by separation of territory
    2. Parliament by law cannot make a new state by separation of territory
    3. Parliament cannot diminish the area of any state
    4. Parliament cannot increase the area of any state


    23.  The concept of sanskritization was introduced by the noted sociologist:

    1. M.N. Srinivas
    2. F.G. Bailey
    3. Ghurye
    4. Yogendra Singh


    24.  Which of the following is a true statement?

    1. Indian Constitution is applicable to caste Hindu people only
    2. English and Hindu are the official language of India
    3. Indian Constitution does not approve religious conversion
    4. There is no Unity among the Indian people


    25.  Indian society is marked by:

    1. Segmentation of people along the lines of caste, class etc
    2. Socio Political cultural upheavals from time to time
    3. Varna based classification of people
    4. All of the above


    26.  The residence where the girl goes to stay with husband’s family after her marriage called?

    1. Matrilocal residence
    2. Patrilocal residence
    3. Polylocal residence
    4. Monogamical residence


    27.  Citizens charter can be defined as:

    1. Statement about the organisation, objectives, functions and the procedure of accessing the services being provided by an organisation
    2. A charter of demands of the people
    3. A statement of the issues before the administration
    4. Decision of the citizens on a specific public matter


    28.  Civil society refers to:

    1. The collective of social organisation autonomous of the state
    2. Organisations that charitable, social service, development etc
    3. Self organisation of citizens
    4. All of the above


    29.  Which of the following is concerned with the promotion of welfare state?

    1. Comptroller and Auditor General of India
    2. National commission for scheduled caste and for scheduled tribes
    3. Attorney General of India
    4. Law Commission


    30.  Which of the following is not a secondary sector product?

    1. Electricity
    2. Fruits
    3. Juice
    4. Sauce


    31.  During 1950-51 to 2000-01, the proportion of workers in ‘agriculture and allied activities‘ has declined by:

    1. 26%
    2. 18%
    3. 30%
    4. 12%


    32.  Name the state which has the highest literacy rate in India?

    1. Punjab
    2. Tamil Nadu
    3. Kerala
    4. Andhra Pradesh


    33.  Which of the following is the correct option for the time of independence?

    1. Agriculture was backward
    2. Infrastructure was developed
    3. Life expectancy was very high
    4. Most of the people were literate


    34.  The major objective(s) of economic development is/are:

    1. Efficiency in allocation of resources
    2. Development of social and economic infrastructure
    3. Equity in distribution of income
    4. All of the above


    35.  During 1970 is India was considered as a ‘high cost economy‘. The main reason was:

    1. Low demand
    2. Lack of investment
    3. Poverty
    4. Lack of competition


    36.  There are two types of natural resources:  Inexhaustible and Exhaustible. Select the exhaustible resource from the following:

    1. Solar radiation
    2. Wind power
    3. Minerals
    4. Water


    37.  Air pollution is caused by:

    1. Emission of poisonous gases from factories
    2. Heavy breathing
    3. Bad smell
    4. Sweeping the floor


    38.  Which kind of program contributed to environmental degradation?

    1. Educational development
    2. Technological development
    3. Economic development
    4. All of the above


    39.  Who among the following explained the concept of class in terms of life chances?

    1. Karl Marx
    2. Marx Weber
    3. Oscar Lewis
    4. All of the above


    40.  Refusing to accept a glass of water from a low caste person by a Brahmin is an example of:

    1. Gender based discrimination
    2. Class based discrimination
    3. Caste based discrimination
    4. Ethnicity based discrimination


    41.  The four varnas of Hinduism where distinct by clearly layout specifications in terms of:

    1. Occupation
    2. Location of residence
    3. Skin colour
    4. Language


    42.  In India’s growing population the following has played a minor role:

    1. Birth rate
    2. Death rate
    3. Migration
    4. Neutralization


    43.  Which factor is mainly responsible for Rapid increase in India’s population?

    1. Lack of means of entertainment
    2. Sharp decline in death rate
    3. Climate
    4. Higher agricultural production


    44.  India’s increasing population:

    1. Affects economic development in an adverse manner
    2. Does not influence economic development as it is neutral to population growth
    3. Will have no impact on rate of economic development since it will remain constant
    4. Will add to the rate of economic development


    45.  India is known to be:

    1. The greatest democracy
    2. The largest democracy
    3. The only real democracy
    4. The only functional democracy


    46.  What is wrong in relationship between religion and communalism?

    1. Adherence to a religion
    2. Indulgence in ritualism
    3. Subversion of religion
    4. Believe in superstition


    47.  The roots of modern communalism in India lie in:

    1. Religion
    2. Politics
    3. Superstition
    4. Obscurantism


    48.  Which of the following bodies promotes trade without discrimination?

    1. WTO
    2. NABARD
    3. RBI
    4. UNESCO


    49.  The term ‘Perestroika‘refers to:

    1. Organisation
    2. Reconstruction
    3. Transparency
    4. Soviet economy


    50.  The preferential trade arrangement in ASEAN was enacted in:

    1. 1977
    2. 1980
    3. 1992
    4. 1967

    IGNOU OSS-101 Solved Paper December 2013

    Thank You

    OSS 101 Solved Question Paper December 2010 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper December 2010 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper December 2010 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper December 2010 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper December 2010 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper December 2010 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper December 2010 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper December 2010 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper December 2010 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper December 2010 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper December 2010 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper December 2010 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper December 2010 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper December 2010 

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