Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

    OSS 101 Solved Question Paper December 2011

    OSS-101 : Preparatory Course in Social Sciences

    OSS 101 Solved Question Paper December 2011

    Time : 2 hours

    Maximum Marks : 50

    General instructions :

    Preparatory course in Social Sciences (OSS – 101)

    Questions 1 – 50. 

     (i) All questions are compulsory, each of which carries one mark.

    (ii)  Each question has four alternatives, one of which is correct. Write the serial number of your correct alternatives/answers below the corresponding question number in the answer Sheet and then mark the rectangle for the same number in that column. If you find that none of the given alternatives is correct then write 0 and mark in column 0.

    (iii) Do not waste time in reading the whole question paper. Go on solving questions one by one. You may come back to the left out questions, if you have time at the end.


    1. State organisation, modes of governance, distribution of power etc. are subject matter of:
    1. Economics
    2. Political science
    3. History
    4. Natural science


    1. Which of the following is a primary data collection method?
    1. Intensive field work
    2. Survey method
    3. Interview
    4. All of the above


    1. Science is called a systematic study because:
    1. It is based on observation
    2. It is based on objectivity
    3. It is based on measurement
    4. All the above


    1. Public administration incorporates in its scope:
    1. Governmental institutions
    2. Non-Governmental organizations
    3. Peoples groups
    4. All of the above


    1. What is the relevance of History?
    1. History makes people aware of their heritage.
    2. History contributes in shaping the society.
    3. History enables society to take pride in their past.
    4. All of the above.


    1. A study of political science makes you aware of:
    1. Different political institutions
    2. Ideologies and systems
    3. Democracy and Human Rights
    4. All of the above


    1. Understanding the Human history in terms of progression has started by Philosophers and Thinkers from:
    1. 18th Century
    2. 16th Century
    3. 20th Century
    4. None of the above


    1. Industrialisation first occurred in:
    1. USA
    2. Japan
    3. Great Britain
    4. Germany


    1. How many years hunting gathering stage existed in the history of human life?
    1. About one million years
    2. About half million years
    3. About two million years
    4. None of the above


    1. Which of the following is not true?
    1. Modern society is industrial society
    2. Modern society is agricultural society
    3. Modern society is feudal society
    4. Modern society is democratic society


    1. The term ‘Great Depression refers to:
    1. Feeling of unhappiness in the people of India
    2. Loss of control over political power
    3. Global economic crisis towards the end of 1920s
    4. Social problems leading to sorrow


    1. New sources of domination introduced by Britain and France were:
    1. Trade and commerce
    2. Wars and conquests
    3. Imperialism and colonialism
    4. Power and authority


    1. Who allowed the feudatories to rule in lieu of tribute to the king?
    1. Mauryas
    2. Kushanas
    3. Guptas
    4. Shakas


    1. Which period saw the emergence of Mahajanapadas?
    1. Later Vedic Period
    2. Early Vedic Period
    3. Sixth Century B.C.
    4. None of the above


    1. Which period is known as early medieval period?
    1. 7-12th Century A.D.
    2. 6-12th Century AD
    3. 8-12th Century AD
    4. None of the above


    1. Who was responsible for partition of Bengal?
    1. Lord Dalhousie
    2. Lord Curzon
    3. Sir Sayyid Ahmad Khan
    4. The Muslim League


    1. Indians expelled the British out of India because:
    1. The Britishers were friendly with Indians
    2. The Pakistanis were not friendly with the Britishers
    3. Indians were exploited by the Britishers
    4. Indians were not dominated by the Britishers


    1. The Revolt of 1857 was:
    1. A fight of the Sepoys against the British
    2. A fight of the princes who were victimised by the British
    3. The first war of Indian Independence
    4. All of the above


    1. Which of the following is not given as the directive principle of state policy in the constitution?
    1. Free legal Aid
    2. Uniform civil code
    3. Equal pay for equal work
    4. Right to freedom of worship


    1. A federation implies:
    1. Making, executing and interpreting laws
    2. Distribution of subjects between national and regional governments
    3. A group of companies working together
    4. None of the above


    1. The Governor, who is the constitutional head at the state level is appointed by:
    1. The Prime minister
    2. The Chief Minister
    3. The President
    4. The Chief Justice of the state concerned


    1. At present Lok Sabha consists of:
    1. 600 members
    2. 580 members
    3. 610 members
    4. 545 members


    1. The practice of woman marrying more than one man is called:
    1. Polyandry
    2. Poverty
    3. Polygaymy
    4. Addiction


    1. The long period of British rule in India caused:
    1. Break up of traditional harmony between caste and class
    2. Some amount of social mobility for castes
    3. Challenging caste system
    4. All of the above


    1. Article 17 of the Indian constitution deals with :
    1. Reservation of scheduled castes in employment
    2. Abolition of untouchability
    3. Reservation of women in Assemblies
    4. Abolition of slavery




    1. The differences among groups of people in terms of colour of skin, shape of body parts, type of hair etc. is called as:
    1. Religious diversity
    2. Linguistic diversity
    3. Racial diversity
    4. Caste-based diversity


    1. Challenges that confront governance are:
    1. Building appropriate linkages between the Executive, Legislative and Judiciary.
    2. Establishing a balance between the principle of supremacy of parliament and independence of judiciary.
    3. Clarity of roles of the State, Private sector and People’s groups.
    4. All the above.


    1. The term governance came into use in the background of :
    1. Lack of accountability in administration
    2. Lack of appropriate legal framework
    3. Secrecy in governmental operations
    4. All the above


    1. The urban bodies are of the following types:
    1. Municipal Corporations and Municipal Councils
    2. Cantonment Boards and Notified Area Committees
    3. Town Area Committees and Townships
    4. All of the above


    1. Economically active population doing rewarding work refers to:
    1. Children working in a factory
    2. Persons in the age group of 15-59 years
    3. Working in private office after the retirement age of 60 years
    4. Loading of goods in a van by 10 year old boys.


    1. The largest source of commercial energy in India is:
    2. Water
    3. Air
    4. Coal
    5. Gobar gas


    1. The per capital income of India in the year 2001-02 at 1993-94 prices was:
    1. 5,000
    2. 11,000
    3. 22,000
    4. 33,000


    1. In 1999-2000 the poverty line was defined as per person per month expenditure of:
    1. 335 in rural areas and Rs. 451 in urban areas
    2. 235 in rural areas and Rs. 351 in urban areas
    3. 435 in rural areas and Rs. 551 in urban areas
    4. 135 in rural areas and Rs. 251 in urban areas


    1. New economic policy has removed licensing requirement except for:
    1. 2 industries
    2. 6 industries
    3. 10 industries
    4. 15 industries


    1. In which year was the First Five Year Plan launched?
    1. 1947
    2. 1950
    3. 1951
    4. 1963


    1. Ozone depletion is harmful because it allows:
    1. Entrance of ultraviolet rays on human skin from the sunshine
    2. Extinction of forests and many species of animals and plants
    3. Use of forest land for other purposes such as housing and cultivation
    4. Smoke from burning of fuel wood during cooking


    1. The concept of ‘Environment’ includes:
    1. Natural conditions
    2. Living organisms
    3. Natural conditions such as land, water, air and light along with living organisms
    4. Plants and animals


    1. Why is a metropolitan city in India having cleaner fuel such as CNG in vehicles?
    1. Because use of cleaner fuel restricts air pollution
    2. Does not create irritation in the eyes
    3. Both (1) and (2)
    4. Provides faster movement of vehicles on the road


    1. Certain economically depressed groups tended to develop a set of beliefs, values and ways of behaving that are not conducive to economic success. This is referred to as:
    1. Circle of Poverty
    2. Culture of poverty
    3. Perpetuation
    4. Discriminatory practice


    1. Most clear cut form of stratification in Indian society is:
    1. Caste-based
    2. Race-based
    3. Ethnicity-based
    4. Gender-based


    1. Racial discrimination was very prominent in:
    1. India
    2. Pakistan
    3. Japan
    4. America


    1. Sex ratio is defined as the number of females:
    1. Per thousand of males
    2. Per hundred of males
    3. Per lakh of males
    4. Per million of males


    1. Population explosion in India has been caused by the fact that :
    1. Birth rate has remained constant at high but death rate has fallen
    2. Death rate has remained constant but birth rate has risen
    3. Birth rate has been falling, but death rate has been falling more steeply
    4. Birth rate has been falling and death rate has been rising


    1. In the present demographic scene in India growth rate of population is expected to come down because:
    1. Fall in birth rate has accelerated
    2. Rise in death rate has accelerated
    3. Fall in death rate has slowed down
    4. Death rate has reached its plateau and birth rate showing signs of decline.


    1. Which is the major challenge to democracy in India?
    1. Communalism
    2. Secularism
    3. Consumption Pattern
    4. Educational Services


    1. Economic aspect that gives rise to regionalism are:
    1. Regional Disparities
    2. Failure of Development Plans
    3. Feeling of discriminations by States in matters of grants
    4. All of the above


    1. Which out of the following is not a means of British Colonialism?
    1. Changes in existing economic system
    2. Introduction of English education system
    3. New professions and job opportunities
    4. Enhance religious harmony.


    1. Which out of the following is a major characteristic of globalization?
    1. Similar economic development
    2. Free flow of capital across national borders
    3. Uniformity in economic policies
    4. Interconnections of markets of different countries


    1. The economic developments in the Soviet Union between 1917 arid 1991 are an example of :
    1. Capitalist Development
    2. Fundamental Development
    3. Socialist Development
    4. Mixed Economic Development


    1. ASEAN was established in:
    1. 1965
    2. 1967
    3. 1964
    4. 1963

    IGNOU OSS-101 Solved Paper June 2016

    Thank You

    OSS 101 Solved Question Paper December 2011 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper December 2011 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper December 2011 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper December 2011 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper December 2011 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper December 2011 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper December 2011 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper December 2011 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper December 2011 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper December 2011 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper December 2011 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper December 2011 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper December 2011 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper December 2011 

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