Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

    OSS 101 Solved Question Paper December 2012

    OSS-101 : Preparatory Course in Social Sciences

    OSS 101 Solved Question Paper December 2012

    Time : 2 hours

    Maximum Marks : 50

    General instructions :

    Preparatory course in Social Sciences (OSS – 101)

    Questions 1 – 50. 

     (i) All questions are compulsory, each of which carries one mark.

    (ii)  Each question has four alternatives, one of which is correct. Write the serial number of your correct alternatives/answers below the corresponding question number in the answer Sheet and then mark the rectangle for the same number in that column. If you find that none of the given alternatives is correct then write 0 and mark in column 0.

    (iii) Do not waste time in reading the whole question paper. Go on solving questions one by one. You may come back to the left out questions, if you have time at the end. 

    1. Which of the following is not a social science?
    1. Economics
    2. Biology
    3. Sociology
    4. Political Science


    1. Which of the following data sources yields ‘Primary Data’?
    1. National Census
    2. Fieldwork
    3. Memoirs
    4. Diaries


    1. The study of science is based on:
    1. Observation
    2. Experiments
    3. Measurements
    4. All of the above


    1. The study of Sociology involves the study of:
    1. Social institutions
    2. Social problems
    3. Social solidarity
    4. All of the above


    1. The United Nations describes contemporary society as :
    1. Industrial Society
    2. Individual Society
    3. Knowledge Society
    4. Global Society


    1. ‘Neolithic Revolution’ refers to transition from:
    1. Hunting-gathering to industry
    2. Industry to agriculture
    3. Hunting-gathering to agriculture
    4. Agriculture to industry


    1. What tools were used in hunting-gathering stage?
    1. Stone tools
    2. Iron tools
    3. Steel tools
    4. Plastic tools


    1. Which is not considered as a factor of production?
    1. Land
    2. Political system
    3. Labour
    4. Capital


    1. John Kay’s ‘Flying Shuttle’ revolutionised the following sector:
    1. Iron and steel
    2. Railways
    3. Textiles
    4. ICTs


    1. The structure corresponding to the function of law-making is:
    1. Judiciary
    2. Executive
    3. Legislature
    4. None of the above


    1. The ‘primary sector’ includes all activities that:
    1. Industry centered
    2. Land and animal-centered
    3. Mining centered
    4. Communication centered


    1. Which of these are features of the modern world?
    1. Industrial Production
    2. Urbanization
    3. Nation States
    4. All of the above


    1. Which continent is known as the ‘New World’?
    1. Asia
    2. Africa
    3. America
    4. Europe


    1. Transformation of the manufacturing system that took place in the 18th Century in Europe is also referred to as:
    1. American Revolution
    2. French Revolution
    3. Industrial Revolution
    4. Green Revolution


    1. Ecology is the study of:
    1. Environmental degradation
    2. Population growth, poverty and environment
    3. Market failure
    4. Interaction of living organisms with their surroundings


    1. Which of the following is recognised to be the first empire in Indian History?
    1. Gupta
    2. Kushana
    3. Shaka
    4. Maurya


    1. ‘Mansabdari and ‘Jagirdari’ systems existed in:
    1. Vedic period
    2. Gupta state
    3. Mughal State
    4. None of the above


    1. The first European power to reach India for trade was:
    1. France
    2. Britain
    3. Portugal
    4. Holland


    1. Which of these was not a Princely State in Colonial India?
    1. Hyderabad
    2. Baroda
    3. Bombay (Mumbai)
    4. Patiala


    1. The ‘Sepoy Mutiny’ of 1857 first broke out in:
    1. Bundelkhand
    2. Meerut
    3. Awadh
    4. Rohilkhand


    1. A prominent radical leader in the Indian National Congress was:
    1. C. Banerjee
    2. Lord Curzon
    3. Lala Lajpat Rai
    4. None of the above


    1. Which of the following event took place after the passing of the Rowlett Act?
    1. Revolt of 1857
    2. Quit India Movement
    3. Jalianwala Bagh Incident
    4. Champaran Satyagraha


    1. The Non-cooperation Movement was withdrawn by Gandhiji in 1922 for the following reason:
    1. Brutal measures by colonial government
    2. Outbreak of World War
    3. Violent incident at Chauri Chaura
    4. Famine in Bihar


    1. The 1929 declaration of ‘Puma Swaraj’ by the congress was at its:
    1. Karachi session
    2. Bombay session
    3. Delhi session
    4. Lahore session


    1. Which of the following bodies promotes trade without barriers?
    1. NABARD
    2. RBI
    3. WTO
    4. UNESCO


    1. Which of the following words does not describe the Indian Republic in the Preamble of the Indian Constitution?
    1. Socialist
    2. Secular
    3. Democratic
    4. Communist


    1. ‘Secularism’ in the Indian Constitution Means:
    1. Freedom to religious worship
    2. Tolerance of all religions
    3. Communal harmony
    4. All of the above


    1. A political system wherein powers are divided between Central and State Governments is known as:
    1. Democracy
    2. Republic
    3. Federation
    4. Parliament


    1. Who appoints Chief Justice of High Court?
    1. Supreme Court
    2. President
    3. Prime Minister
    4. Governor


    1. The adoption of symbols and ways of life of higher caste people by lower class people to improve their social position has been termed:
    1. Peasantization
    2. Westernization
    3. Urbanization
    4. Sanskritization


    1. Article 17 of the Indian Constitution abolishes:
    2. Zamindari
    3. Untouchability
    4. Communalism
    5. Practice of sati


    1. Which of the following refers to classification of people according to their income?
    1. Varna
    2. Class
    3. Jati
    4. Race


    1. Banking and Communication are activities of:
    1. Primary Sector
    2. Secondary Sector
    3. Tertiary Sector
    4. None of the above


    1. What is the largest source of commercial energy in India?
    1. Coal
    2. Petroleum
    3. Bio-gas
    4. Hydro-electric Power


    1. What law did the Government enact in 2005 to ensure that the poor get guaranteed employment for at least 100 days in a year?
    1. Right to Information Act
    2. NREGA
    3. Right to Education Act
    4. Minimum Wages Act


    1. Which of the following was emphasised during the Second Five-Year Plan?
    1. Rapid industrialization
    2. Communication technologies
    3. Irrigation
    4. Resettlement of displaced families


    1. New Economic Policy of 1991 emphasised:
    1. Nationalisation of industries
    2. Privatization
    3. Restriction on imports
    4. all of the above


    1. During the past two decades, the gap between the rich and poor states has:
    1. Decreased
    2. Increased
    3. Remained the same
    4. None of the above


    1. Which of the following statements is true?
    1. Environmental degradation is mostly man-made
    2. Economic development has contributed to environmental degradation
    3. Environmental degradation has adverse effects on quality of life
    4. All of the above


    1. Global Warming is largely the result of:
    1. Air Pollution
    2. Water Pollution
    3. Land Pollution
    4. Soil Erosion


    1. The term ‘Culture of Poverty’ was introduced by:
    1. Karl Marx
    2. Oscar Lewis
    3. Max Weber
    4. R. Ambedkar


    1. Which of these is an example of gender-based discrimination?
    1. Female Foeticide
    2. Harassment for dowry
    3. Lower pay for similar work
    4. All of the above


    1. Which of the following statements is false?
    1. Developed countries have higher population growth rate.
    2. Literacy is an important factor in reducing population growth rate.
    3. High population growth retards economic development.
    4. High population growth leads to decline in savings.


    1. Which of these states has the lowest growth rate of population?
    1. Bihar
    2. Kerala
    3. Rajasthan
    4. Uttar Pradesh


    1. A society full of diversities of cultures is known as a:
    1. Communal Society
    2. Regional Society
    3. Plural Society
    4. Civil Society


    1. Which Russian leader initiated the terms ‘Perestroika’ and ‘Glasnost’?
    1. Stalin
    2. Lenin
    3. Yeltsin
    4. Gorbachev


    1. What is the Maastricht Treaty of 1992 associated with?
    1. N.O.
    2. H.O.
    3. U.
    4. SAARC


    1. By economic growth is meant increase in:
    1. Price
    2. Urbanisation
    3. National income
    4. Electrification


    1. Which of these states has the most adverse sex ratio?
    1. Andhra Pradesh
    2. Haryana
    3. Tamil Nadu
    4. Karnataka


    1. Which of these is a ‘Fundamental Duty’ of citizens of India as per the 42nd Amendment of the Indian Constitution?
    1. Payment of taxes
    2. To raise the standard of living
    3. Protecting the Sovereignty, unity and integrity of India
    4. Performing religious duties

    IGNOU OSS-101 Solved Paper June 2015

    Thank You

    OSS 101 Solved Question Paper December 2012 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper December 2012 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper December 2012 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper December 2012 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper December 2012 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper December 2012 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper December 2012 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper December 2012 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper December 2012 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper December 2012 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper December 2012 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper December 2012 

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