Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

    OSS 101 Solved Question Paper December 2013

    OSS-101 : Preparatory Course in Social Sciences

    OSS 101 Solved Question Paper December 2013

    Time : 2 hours

    Maximum Marks : 50

    General instructions :

    Preparatory course in Social Sciences (OSS – 101)

    Questions 1 – 50. 

     (i) All questions are compulsory, each of which carries one mark.

    (ii)  Each question has four alternatives, one of which is correct. Write the serial number of your correct alternatives/answers below the corresponding question number in the answer Sheet and then mark the rectangle for the same number in that column. If you find that none of the given alternatives is correct then write 0 and mark in column 0.

    (iii) Do not waste time in reading the whole question paper. Go on solving questions one by one. You may come back to the left out questions, if you have time at the end.


    1. Science is based upon:
    1. Philosophy and speculation
    2. Imagination and creativity
    3. Religion and spirituality
    4. Observation and experimentation


    1. The discipline of history is concerned with
    1. Study of government policy
    2. Study and interpretation of past events
    3. Production, consumption, distribution
    4. Art and architecture


    1. Which of the following are secondary data sources?
    1. Census
    2. Memoirs and diaries
    3. Labour records
    4. All of the above


    1. Which sociologist studied the problem of suicide in society?
    1. Comte
    2. Durkheim
    3. Beteille
    4. Srinivas


    1. The earliest stage of human history was :
    1. Industrial
    2. Agrarian
    3. Hunting-gathering
    4. Digital


    1. The industrial revolution first took place in the following industry:
    1. Automobile
    2. Iron and steel
    3. Electronics
    4. Textiles


    1. Which of the following are associated with the modern world?
    1. Industrialism
    2. Nation-state
    3. Urbanization
    4. All of the above


    1. America was discovered by:
    1. Vasco da Gama
    2. Columbus
    3. Mountbatten
    4. Fa-hi-en


    1. Which major revolution took place in 1917?
    1. Russian revolution
    2. Industrial revolution
    3. French revolution
    4. American revolution


    1. The ‘Axis’ powers in World War II comprised:
    1. Britain U.S.A and U.S.S.R
    2. China, Japan and India
    3. France Germany and Italy
    4. Italy Germany and Japan


    1. Which of the following is an example of gender discrimination?
    1. Foeticide
    2. Dowry harassment
    3. Unequal wages
    4. All of the above


    1. Early Vedic society was largely:
    1. Pastoral
    2. Nomadic
    3. Industrial
    4. Technological


    1. Which was the first empire in Indian history?
    1. Gupta
    2. Mughal
    3. Kushana
    4. Mauryan


    1. After which historic event did the Indian Empire pass into the hands of the British Crown?
    1. Battle of Plassey, 1757
    2. Jallianwall Bagh Massacre, 1919
    3. Sepoy Mutiny, 1857
    4. World War I, 1918


    1. Lord Curzon is associated with:
    1. Partition of India, 1947
    2. Partition of Bengal, 1905
    3. Jallianwala Bagh Massacre, 1919
    4. Chaurichaura Incident, 1922


    1. Gandhiji’s “Do or Die” speech is associated with:
    1. Satyagraha movement
    2. Civil disobedience movement
    3. Quit India movement
    4. All of the above


    1. India’s constitution was implemented with effect from the following date:
    1. 15 August 1957
    2. 25 June 1975
    3. 26 January 1950
    4. 26 November 1949


    1. Which of the following is NOT a fundamental right in the constitution of India?
    1. Right to Freedom
    2. Right to Strike
    3. Right to Constitutional remedies
    4. Cultural and Educational Rights


    1. How many members are nominated to the Rajya Sabha?
    1. None
    2. 100
    3. 12
    4. 50


    1. Chief Ministers of Indian States are appointed by:
    1. President of India
    2. Governor of the State
    3. Lok Sabha
    4. Vidhan Sabha


    1. Who amongst the following was associated with the modern education system in colonial India?
    1. Lady Irwin
    2. Lord Clive
    3. Lord Curzon
    4. Macaulay


    1. How many languages does the constitution of India recognise?
    1. 22
    2. 179
    3. 1,652
    4. None of the above


    1. ‘Teli’, ‘Nai’, ‘Dhobi’ are examples of which social category ?
    1. Varna
    2. Jati
    3. Tribe
    4. Religion


    1. Which of the following communities have a ‘matrilineal’ system?
    1. Rajputs
    2. Kurmis
    3. Khasis
    4. None of the above


    1. What are the characteristics of a ‘joint family’?
    1. Commensality
    2. Joint property
    3. Co-operation
    4. All of the above


    1. Which of the following is an international donor agency?
    1. Reserve Bank of India
    2. World Bank
    3. State Bank
    4. Rural Bank


    1. In which year did the central government exact the Right to Information Act?
    1. 2000
    2. 2010
    3. 2005
    4. 1991


    1. Which of the following activities are NOT included in the ‘primary sector’?
    1. Fishing and farming
    2. Mining and forestry
    3. Dairying and poultry-farming
    4. Textile manufacture


    1. Which of the following resources does not get replenished over time?
    1. Water
    2. Natural gas
    3. Forests
    4. All of the above


    1. Indian workforce is largely involved in the following sector:
    1. Agriculture
    2. Industry
    3. Mining
    4. Trade


    1. Which of the five-year plans ushered in rapid industrialization and a socialist pattern of society?
    2. 1st Five- year plan
    3. 2nd Five-year plan
    4. 3rd Five-year plan
    5. 4t’ Five-year plan


    1. The new economic policy declared in 1991 brought in:
    1. Command and control measures
    2. Creation of strong public sector
    3. Privatization and liberalization
    4. None of the above


    1. During the past 20 years the gap in per capita income between rich and poor states has
    1. Increased
    2. Decreased
    3. Remained unchanged
    4. None of the above


    1. Which of these are non-biodegradable substances?
    1. Dry leaves
    2. Plastics
    3. Clothes
    4. Vegetables


    1. Which of the following cause soil erosion?
    1. Deforestation
    2. Loss of bio-diversity
    3. Global warming
    4. Pollution


    1. Which of these is the cleanest fuel?
    1. Petrol
    2. Diesel
    3. Kerosene
    4. CNG


    1. The largest source of commercial energy accounting for 74 percent of total power generated in India is:
    1. Bio-gas
    2. Coal
    3. Petroleum
    4. Solar energy


    1. The Brundtland commission (2007) deals with:
    1. World peace
    2. Sustainable development
    3. Nuclear disarmament
    4. Terrorism


    1. The oppressed class in capitalist society was termed by Karl Marx as the:
    1. Bourgeoisie
    2. Landlords
    3. Proletariat
    4. Slaves


    1. Who studied ‘culture of poverty’?
    1. Max Weber
    2. Oscar Lewis
    3. Emile Durkheim
    4. Auguste Comte


    1. Which programme is designed to upgrade the skills of rural youth and artisans?
    1. NREGS
    2. Food for work programme
    3. Mid-day meal programme
    4. TRYSEM


    1. The term used to denote number of females per thousand males is:
    1. Crude Birth Rate
    2. Infant Mortality Rate
    3. Life Expectancy
    4. Sex Ratio


    1. Which of the following states has a high female literacy rate?
    1. Mizoram
    2. Bihar
    3. Jharkhand
    4. Rajasthan


    1. Communal divide in India is largely a result of:
    1. National Movement
    2. Divide and rule policy
    3. Swadeshi Andolan
    4. All of the above


    1. Ethnic separatism takes place largely due to:
    1. Unbalanced development
    2. Vested interests
    3. Weakening of secularism
    4. All of the above


    1. The worldwide process that is bringing countries of the world closer together is called:
    1. Revolution
    2. Urbanization
    3. Globalization
    4. Industrialization


    1. ‘Perestroika’ and ‘Glasnost’ are associated with the following leader:
    1. Lenin
    2. Stalin
    3. Putin
    4. Gorbachev


    1. Which of the following enjoyed a unipolar status after the disintegration of the USSR?
    1. China
    2. Iran
    3. S.A
    4. Pakistan


    1. The European Union was formed in accordance with the following treaty:
    1. Versailles
    2. New York
    3. Maastricht
    4. London


    1. Which of these countries is NOT a member of SAARC?
    1. India
    2. China
    3. Pakistan
    4. Bangladesh

    IGNOU OSS-101 Solved Paper June 2016

    Thank You

    OSS 101 Solved Question Paper December 2013 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper December 2013 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper December 2013 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper December 2013 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper December 2013 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper December 2013 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper December 2013 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper December 2013 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper December 2013 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper December 2013 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper December 2013 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper December 2013 

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