Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

    OSS 101 Solved Question Paper June 2015

    OSS-101 : Preparatory Course in Social Sciences

    OSS 101 Solved Question Paper June 2015

    Time : 2 hours

    Maximum Marks : 50

    General instructions :

    Preparatory course in Social Sciences (OSS – 101)

    Questions 1 – 50. 

     (i) All questions are compulsory, each of which carries one mark.

    (ii)  Each question has four alternatives, one of which is correct. Write the serial number of your correct alternatives/answers below the corresponding question number in the answer Sheet and then mark the rectangle for the same number in that column. If you find that none of the given alternatives is correct, then write 0 and mark in column 0.

    (iii) Do not waste time in reading the whole question paper. Go on solving questions one by one. You may come back to the left out questions, if you have time at the end.


    1. Who was the inventor of the steam engine?
    1. Matthew Boolton
    2. James Watt
    3. Richard Arkwright
    4. None of the above


    1. Fascism is associated with
    1. Richard Nixon
    2. Columbus
    3. Mussolini
    4. Hargreaves


    1. The State as an institution emerged in the following stages of human history:
    1. Hunting-gathering
    2. Agrarian
    3. Industrial
    4. Post-Industrial


    1. Which of these is a principal factor in the factory system?
    1. Land
    2. Labour
    3. Capital
    4. All of the above


    1. Who was the inventor of the ‘flying shuttle’?
    1. John Kay
    2. James Hargreaves
    3. James Watt
    4. Richard Arkwright


    1. Which of these is a characteristic feature of ‘post-industrial’ society?
    1. New techniques of agriculture
    2. Return to hunting-gathering
    3. Factory system
    4. New communication technology and knowledge


    1. Who ‘discovered’ America in 1492?
    1. Vasco da Gama
    2. Christopher Columbus
    3. The Aztecs
    4. The Incas


    1. Name the philosopher who wrote extensively about the exploitation of the labour class in the industrial society.
    1. Charles Dickens
    2. N. Srinivas
    3. Karl Marx
    4. None of the above


    1. The Cold War ended in the triumph of
    1. S.S.R.
    2. K.
    3. China
    4. S.A.


    1. What kind of society was early Vedic society?
    1. Tribal
    2. Pastoral
    3. Nomadic
    4. Industrial


    1. Who was the author of Arthashastra’?
    1. Chandragupta
    2. Kanishka
    3. Arjuna
    4. Kautilya


    1. Who was the last Mughal ruler?
    1. Babur
    2. Qutbuddin Aibak
    3. Tughlaq
    4. Bahadur Shah Zafar


    1. Where was the headquarters of the French Company located in colonial India?
    1. Lucknow
    2. Delhi
    3. Pondicherry
    4. Madras


    1. After which historical event did India pass into the hands of the British Crown?
    1. Battle of Plassey, 1757
    2. Jalianwala Bagh Massacre, 1919
    3. Revolt of 1857
    4. Quit India Movement, 1942


    1. Which of these was not a princely state in British India?
    1. Hyderabad
    2. Mysore
    3. Chennai
    4. Baroda


    1. Congress declared ‘Puma Swaraj’ at its
    1. Amritsar Session
    2. Chandigarh Session
    3. Poona Session
    4. Lahore Session


    1. The philosophy of Satyagraha is based upon
    1. Armed struggle
    2. Class war
    3. Revolution of the working class
    4. Truth and non-violence


    1. Which of these nationalist leaders emerged as the leader of the Schedoled Castes?
    1. K. Gandhi
    2. R. Ambedkar
    3. Lala Lajpat Rai
    4. Jawaharlal Nehru


    1. Shah Nawaz Khan, Gurdial Singh Dhillon and Prem Kumar Sehgal were members of the following armed nationalist organization:
    1. INC
    2. CPI
    3. CPI (M)
    4. INA


    1. Which of the following is justiciable?
    1. Directive Principles
    2. Civic Principles
    3. Fundamental Rights
    4. Fundamental Duties


    1. Which of these is not a Fundamental Right in the Constitution of India?
    1. Right to Information
    2. Right to Equality
    3. Right to Freedom
    4. Right Against Exploitation


    1. Who is the Supreme Commander of the Indian Armed Forces?
    1. General
    2. Brigadier
    3. President of Indi
    4. Defense Minister of India


    1. The Council of Ministers comprises
    1. Cabinet Ministers
    2. Ministers of State
    3. Deputy Ministers
    4. All of the above


    1. During the colonial period, agricultural production saw a shift from
    1. Cash crops to food crops
    2. Food crops to cash crops
    3. Neither food crops nor cash crops
    4. None of the above


    1. ‘Teli’, ‘Dhobi’, ‘Lobar’, ‘Nai’ are all examples of
    1. Varnas
    2. Tribes
    3. Ethnic groups
    4. Jatis


    1. What does the State emblem of India represent?
    1. Sarnath Lion
    2. Ashoka Chakra
    3. Tricolour
    4. Peacock


    1. The system whereby people of one `jati’ woold draw services of another caste and in turn woold render service to other castes was known as
    1. Varna system
    2. Zamindari system
    3. Ryotwari system
    4. Jajmani system


    1. Policy of reservation of seats in education and employment for weaker sections of society is known as
    1. Social discrimination
    2. Social protection
    3. Protective discrimination
    4. Social unification


    1. Which of these is a characteristic of patriarchal societies?
    1. Husband goes to live with the wife’s relatives
    2. Both take joint decisions
    3. Descent is in the male line
    4. All of the above


    1. What is the 3-tier structure of local self-government in rural India called?
    1. Khap Panchayat
    2. Jati Panchayat
    3. Panchayati Raj
    4. Swaraj


    1. Which of these woold you find in metropolitan cities like Mumbai and Kolkata?
    1. Gram Panchayat
    2. Municipal Council
    3. Zilla Parishad
    4. Municipal Corporation


    1. Which of these woold be included in the ‘Secondary Sector’ of the economy?
    1. Fishing and Forestry
    2. Banking and Insurance
    3. Electricity and Hydro-electric Power
    4. Hotels and Tourism


    1. The labour force does not include the following category:
    1. Unemployed persons
    2. Illiterate persons
    3. Children below the age of 14 years
    4. Farmers


    1. Which of the following was emphasized during the Fourth Five Year Plan?
    1. Heavy industries
    2. Removal of poverty
    3. Irrigation
    4. Exports


    1. The New Economic Policy declared in 1991 resulted in the
    1. State control of the economy
    2. Restrictions on foreign trade
    3. Stricter Licensing policy
    4. Economic Liberalization


    1. During the past 20 years the gap in per capita income between rich and poor states has
    1. Increased
    2. Decreased
    3. Remained unchanged
    4. None of the above


    1. The capacity to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs’ is the definition of
    1. Economic development
    2. Personality development
    3. International development
    4. Sustainable development


    1. Which thinker identified the two classes ‘bourgeoisie’ and ‘proletariat’ in capitalist society?
    1. Max Weber
    2. Karl Marx
    3. Oscar Lewis
    4. Charles Dickens


    1. The Schengen Agreement is associated with the
    1. United Nations
    2. World Trade Organisation
    3. Asian Union
    4. European Union


    1. The Green Revolution led to an increase in the production of
    1. Forest wealth
    2. Greenhouse gases
    3. Food grains
    4. Tea and coffee


    1. NREGA was enacted in
    1. 2005
    2. 2002
    3. 2001
    4. 1995


    1. Sex pre-selection, female infanticide is examples of
    1. Caste discrimination
    2. Ethnic discrimination
    3. Gender discrimination
    4. Racial discrimination


    1. The expected number of years a child is likely to survive is termed as
    1. Life expectancy
    2. Infant mortality
    3. Birth rate
    4. Death rate


    1. Higher GDP growth rate leads to
    1. Popolation growth
    2. Higher infant mortality rate
    3. Higher per capita income
    4. None of the above


    1. Which of these States has the lowest literacy rate?
    1. Kerala
    2. Goa
    3. Bihar
    4. Mizoram


    1. The ‘Divide and Rule’ policy of the British is believed to be the cause of
    1. Independence
    2. Industrialization
    3. Communalism
    4. Poverty


    1. Average income per person in the country is referred to as
    1. GDP
    2. National income
    3. GNP
    4. Per capita income


    1. Which conflict broke out in 1990?
    1. World War II
    2. Golf War
    3. Civil War
    4. World War I


    1. The power to amend the Constitution of India is held by the
    1. President
    2. Prime Minister
    3. Parliament
    4. Chief Justice of India


    1. Who delivered the ‘Do or Die‘ speech?
    1. Ambedkar
    2. Nehru
    3. Gandhi
    4. Bhagat Singh

    OSS-101 Solved Question Paper December 2019

    Thank You

    OSS 101 Solved Question Paper June 2015 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper June 2015 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper June 2015 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper June 2015 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper June 2015 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper June 2015 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper June 2015 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper June 2015 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper June 2015 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper June 2015 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper June 2015 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper June 2015 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper June 2015 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper June 2015 

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