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OSS 101 Solved Question Paper June 2013

OSS-101 : Preparatory Course in Social Sciences

OSS 101 Solved Question Paper June 2013

Time : 2 hours

Maximum Marks : 50

General instructions :

Preparatory course in Social Sciences (OSS – 101)

Questions 1 – 50. 

 (i) All questions are compulsory, each of which carries one mark.

(ii)  Each question has four alternatives, one of which is correct. Write the serial number of your correct alternatives/answers below the corresponding question number in the answer Sheet and then mark the rectangle for the same number in that column. If you find that none of the given alternatives is correct, then write 0 and mark in column 0.

(iii) Do not waste time in reading the whole question paper. Go on solving questions one by one. You may come back to the left out questions, if you have time at the end.


  1. Social Sciences deal with
  1. Social Institutions and Customs
  2. Laws of motion
  3. Plants and animals
  4. All of the above


  1. Political science does not study
  1. Government and politics
  2. Political parties and voter behaviour
  3. The laws of motion
  4. Exercise of authority by the state


  1. The National Sample Survey organisation provides data on
  1. Agriculture
  2. Industry
  3. Labour
  4. All of the above


  1. Which of these is not a source of secondary data?
  1. Population census
  2. Central statistical organisation
  3. Fieldwork
  4. Labour Bureau


  1. The practice of a woman marrying more than one man is known as
  1. Monogamy
  2. Polysomy
  3. Polygyny
  4. Polyandry


  1. Which famous sociologist studied the problem of suicide in society?
  1. Durkheim
  2. Marx
  3. Weber
  4. Srinivas


  1. Neolithic Revolution resulted in
  1. Settled life
  2. Division of labour
  3. Food surplus
  4. All of the above


  1. Some typical Stone Age implements were
  1. Plough
  2. Spinning wheel
  3. Wooden digging sticks
  4. None of the above


  1. Who was the inventor of the steam engine during the industrial revolution?
  1. Richard Arkwright
  2. John Kay
  3. James Watt
  4. James Hargreaves


  1. The writings of Karl Marx are associated with
  1. Agrarian society
  2. Industrial society
  3. Post-Industrial society
  4. None of the above


  1. The Jajmani system signifies
  1. Independence of castes
  2. Independence of cohesive units
  3. Interdependence of castes
  4. None of these


  1. Which metal was mined by Europeans in the “New World” during forced labour of the locals?
  1. Gold
  2. Silver
  3. Iron ore
  4. Copper


  1. Which of these was not associated with the Industrial Revolution of the 18th century?
  1. Factory system
  2. Invention of steam engine
  3. Invention of bow and arrow
  4. Railways and steam ships


  1. Which of these was a fascist power during the world war?
  1. England
  2. Germany
  3. France
  4. Belgium


  1. The “Cold War” ended with
  1. The end of the Second World War
  2. The collapse of Soviet Russia
  3. The partition of India
  4. None of the above


  1. ‘Ashvamedha’ ritual was first performed in
  1. Vedic period
  2. Maurya period
  3. Gupta period
  4. None of the above


  1. Kanishka was the ruler of
  1. Shakas
  2. Pahalvas
  3. kushanas
  4. Guptas


  1. In which period do we see the emergence of ‘Samanthas’ as a class?
  1. Early Vedic
  2. Late Vedic
  3. Medieval
  4. Modern


  1. Which of these was not a leader of the revolt of 1857?
  1. Begum of Awadh
  2. Nana Saheb
  3. Tantia Tope
  4. Nizam of Hyderabad


  1. Triggered the Swadeshi Movement in the history of India’s freedom struggle?
  1. 1857 revolt
  2. Partition of Bengal (1905)
  3. Partition of India (1947)
  4. World War 1 (1914)


  1. What important event marked the launch of civil disobedience movement in 1930?
  1. Champaran Satyagraha
  2. Dandi March
  3. Jallianwala Bagh massacre
  4. Peasants strike in Kheda


  1. Bolshevik Revolution took place in
  1. Japan
  2. Germany
  3. Russia
  4. France


  1. Which article of the Indian Constitution makes untouchability a punishable offence?
  1. Article 15
  2. Article 16
  3. Article 17
  4. All of the above


  1. The idea of freedom of religious worship, tolerance and communal harmony is called
  1. Feudalism
  2. Communalism
  3. Secularism
  4. Humanism


  1. Which of the following is regarded as a ‘Novel Feature’ of the Constitution of India?
  1. Preamble
  2. Fundamental rights
  3. Fundamental duties
  4. Directive principles


  1. Which of these is not a feature of the caste system?
  1. Quotation and classification
  2. Endogamy
  3. Interdependence
  4. Equality


  1. Which of the following is a currency of the member countries of the European Union?
  1. Yen
  2. Dollar
  3. Euro
  4. Pound


  1. When more people are engaged in a job that is real needs and lesser number of people, we call it
  1. Unemployment
  2. Seasonal employment
  3. Disguised unemployment
  4. Educated unemployment


  1. Which of these is not a characteristic of governance?
  1. Accountability
  2. Corruption
  3. People’s participation
  4. Role of law


  1. If a person wants some information from a Government Department, he/she can access it with the help of
  1. Right to Work Act
  2. Right to Information Act
  3. Right to Education Act
  4. Right to Property Act


  1. Which of these activities can be included in the secondary sector of the economy?
  1. Mining
  2. Forestry
  3. Fishing
  4. None of the above


  1. Which of the following was emphasised during the Fourth Five Year plan?
  1. Heavy Industry
  2. Removal of poverty
  3. Irrigation
  4. Exports


  1. At the time of independence, India
  1. was industrially developed
  2. was one of the poorest countries
  3. had a high rate of literacy
  4. None of the above


  1. What is an important feature of ‘Command and Control’ industrial policy?
  1. Free play of market forces
  2. Encouragement to private sector
  3. Seeking permission from government to setup production units
  4. Foreign collaborations


  1. Green revolution is marked by
  1. HYV seeds and fertilizers
  2. Rice cultivation
  3. Benefits of small farmers
  4. Sustainable agriculture


  1. Air pollution occurs due to
  1. Discarding of plastic bags
  2. Dumping of sewage in rivers, Ponds and seas
  3. Emission of poisonous gases from factories
  4. Excessive grazing by animals


  1. The house of the people in the parliament is called
  1. Rajya Sabha
  2. Gram Sabha
  3. Lok Sabha
  4. Kshetra Sabha


  1. The categories ‘Beahmin’, ‘Kshatriya’, ‘Vaishya’ ‘Shudra’ are termed as
  1. Jatis
  2. Varnas
  3. Classes
  4. Races


  1. The two classes in capitalist society identified by Karl Marx are
  1. Feudal lord and serf
  2. Zamindar and bonded labourer
  3. Bourgeoise and proletariat
  4. Slave and master


  1. Preference for male children is a form of
  1. Class discrimination
  2. Racial discrimination
  3. Gender discrimination
  4. None of the above


  1. The number of deaths of infants per thousand of life births is called
  1. Crude death rate
  2. Birth rate
  3. Infant mortality rate
  4. Sex ratio


  1. Population rate in India is high due to
  1. High birth rate and high death rate
  2. High birth rate and low death rate
  3. Low birth rate and high death rate
  4. Low birth rate and low death rate


  1. Which of these states has a sex ratio below 800 females per thousand males?
  1. Andhra Pradesh
  2. Punjab
  3. Kerala
  4. Karnataka


  1. The constitution of India is based on the basis of
  1. Oligarchi
  2. Kingship
  3. Democracy
  4. Militarism


  1. The contemporary world can be described as
  1. Multipolar
  2. Unipolar
  3. Bipolar
  4. None of the above


  1. Gandhi propagated the concept of
  1. Trusteeship
  2. Competition
  3. Lass struggle
  4. Untouchability


  1. In 2003, USA launched a massive attack on
  1. Kuwait
  2. Afghanistan
  3. Iraq
  4. Pakistan


  1. The countries are not a member of SAARC?
  1. India
  2. Pakistan
  3. Bhutan
  4. China


  1. Movements in North-East India demanding the right to self-determination can be termed
  1. Communal movements
  2. Ethnic movements
  3. Class movements
  4. Caste movements


  1. The term ‘NREGA‘ is related to
  1. Emigration
  2. Education
  3. Employment
  4. Export promotion

OSS-101 Solved Question Paper December 2017

Thank You

OSS 101 Solved Question Paper June 2013 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper June 2013 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper June 2013 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper June 2013 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper June 2013 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper June 2013 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper June 2013 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper June 2013 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper June 2013 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper June 2013 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper June 2013 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper June 2013 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper June 2013 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper June 2013 

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