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OSS 101 Solved Question Paper June 2011

OSS-101 : Preparatory Course in Social Sciences

OSS 101 Solved Question Paper June 2011

Time : 2 hours

Maximum Marks : 50

General instructions :

Preparatory course in Social Sciences (OSS – 101)

Questions 1 – 50. 

 (i) All questions are compulsory, each of which carries one mark.

(ii)  Each question has four alternatives, one of which is correct. Write the serial number of your correct alternatives/answers below the corresponding question number in the answer Sheet and then mark the rectangle for the same number in that column. If you find that none of the given alternatives is correct, then write 0 and mark in column 0.

(iii) Do not waste time in reading the whole question paper. Go on solving questions one by one. You may come back to the left out questions, if you have time at the end.


  1. The study of science is based on:
  1. Observation
  2. Measurement
  3. Experimentation
  4. All the above


  1. Economics is the study of:
  1. Plants
  2. Production, distribution and consumption
  3. Animals
  4. Politics


  1. Studying an object or phenomenon based on experimentation is called as:
  1. Scientific study
  2. Physical study
  3. Observation, measurement and biological study
  4. Social study


  1. Public Administration specialises in:
  1. The art of governance and administration
  2. The art of governance in defense
  3. The art of governance in management
  4. None of the above


  1. Sociology is a study of:
  1. Social structures and relations
  2. Continuity and change
  3. Effects of social and scientific developments on the society
  4. All of the above


  1. A plan for tribal development area would require the study of:
  1. Economics
  2. Sociology
  3. History
  4. All of the above


  1. Which technologies revolutionized the Textile Sector?
  1. John Kay’s ‘Flying Shuttle’ (1737)
  2. James Hargreave’s ‘Spinning Jeny’ (1764 – 69)
  3. Richard Arkwright’s ‘Water Frame’ (1769)
  4. All of the above


  1. What are the important variants of industrial society?
  1. Capitalist industrial society
  2. Socialist industrial society
  3. Post-industrial society
  4. All of the above


  1. Neolithic Age is also known as:
  1. Old Stone Age
  2. Medieval Stone Age
  3. New Stone Age
  4. Modern/Contemporary Stone Age


  1. Between the 16th and 18th centuries mining of silver with the help of forced labour dominated in:
  1. Africa
  2. Asia
  3. Latin America
  4. Europe


  1. Which one is not true of modern world?
  1. Presence of Nation-state system
  2. People’s participation in state
  3. Head of the state chosen through principle of heredity
  4. Constant growth in technologies


  1. Which of the following is not pre-modern empire?
  1. Holy Roman Empire
  2. Japanese Empire
  3. Ottoman Empire
  4. Mughal Empire


  1. Who was the founder of Gupta dynasty?
  1. Chandra Gupta I
  2. Sri Gupta
  3. Chandra Gupta Maurva
  4. Samudra Gupta


  1. During the 2nd century B.C. we also find the revival of the ‘Ganashangha’ in the region:
  1. Punjab region
  2. Kathiawar region
  3. Saurashtra region
  4. North – West frontier region


  1. In which period the notion of ‘territory’ began?
  1. Mahakavya period
  2. Later Vedic period
  3. Early Vedic period
  4. None of the above


  1. The first major blow to the British rule in India was in the year:
  1. 1885
  2. 1857
  3. 1876
  4. 1889


  1. Main agenda of the Second Round Table Conference was:
  1. To resolve Hindu – Muslim tension
  2. To paralyse the British government
  3. To provide separate electorate
  4. To discuss the scheme of constitutional reforms for India


  1. End of the East India Company’s rule resulted because:
  1. Officers of the East India Company were corrupt
  2. Peasants and workers protested against the British rule
  3. The term of the company’s rule had expired
  4. The Revolt of 1857 shook the foundation of the British Empire


  1. The idea of freedom of religious worship, religious tolerance and communal harmony is called:
  1. Secularism
  2. Communalism
  3. Regionalism
  4. Consumerism


  1. Which one of the following is not a Fundamental Duty in the Constitution of India?
  1. To follow the principles of Morality
  2. To uphold and protect the sovereignty, unity, and integrity of India
  3. To safeguard public policy
  4. To defend the country


  1. India is known to be the:
  1. Nominal democracy
  2. Real democracy
  3. Largest functioning democracy
  4. Genuinely functioning democracy


  1. Which one of the following was described by Dr. Ambedkar as “a novel feature” of the constitution?
  1. Fundamental rights
  2. Preamble
  3. Directive principles of state policy
  4. Fundamental duties


  1. Which Of the following is an adverse effect of British rule and their policies?
  1. The uneven growth of social classes in India
  2. Commodification of land as property
  3. Displacement of artisan castes from their traditional occupation
  4. All of the above


  1. Indian society is largely:
  1. Patriarchal
  2. Matriarchal
  3. Matrilineal
  4. None of the above


  1. Jajmani system of exchange signifies that castes are:
  1. Interdependent
  2. Independent
  3. Cohesive units
  4. Vocational groups


  1. The system of Jati where one people of one Jati draws services of another caste and in turn render service to other castes is called as:
  1. Manalwari system
  2. Varna system
  3. Jajmani system
  4. Raiyatwari system


  1. Which of the following statements about globalization is not correct?
  1. It is a process of international exchange and sharing of labour force
  2. It is leading to international exchange and sharing of products
  3. It is the process that is leading to worldwide cultural and social system
  4. It is a process that is leading to protectionism


  1. Governance is defined today as:
  1. Combined effort by the government, private sector and the civil society for effective delivery
  2. Governance is concerned with the functions of the executive
  3. Governance involves the functions of the legislative branch only
  4. Governance involves together the functions of the legislative and judicial branch of government


  1. Which one of the following is not an element of the State?
  1. Population
  2. Terrorism
  3. Government
  4. Sovereignty


  1. In how many broad sectors, an economy is divided?
  1. 3
  2. 4
  3. 5
  4. 6


  1. Non-agricultural land does not include land under:
  1. Mountains
  2. Forest
  3. Farming of fruits
  4. Deserts


  1. Term ‘NREGA’ is related to:
  1. Employment
  2. Poverty
  3. Labour productivity
  4. Natural resources


  1. Which of the following statements is not correct?
  1. Prior to 1991, trade policy was inward-looking
  2. Prior to 1991, strict bureaucratic control were prevalent in foreign exchange market
  3. Prior to 1991, trade policy was outward-looking
  4. Prior to 1991, there was large scale black marketing in foreign currency


  1. Economic planning in India was started in:
  1. 1951
  2. 1953
  3. 1955
  4. 1956


  1. To overcome the economic crisis of 1990, the Govt. of India introduced some changes which are known as:
  1. New Economic policy
  2. New Licensing policy
  3. New Price policy
  4. New Trade policy


  1. Which of the following causes soil erosion?
  1. Deforestation
  2. Water runoff
  3. High surface wind
  4. All of the above


  1. The concept of environment includes:
  1. Prevailing conditions in society
  2. Living organisms
  3. Non-living objects
  4. Both living organisms and non-living objects


  1. The environment performs several functions which increase the quality of our life.

Select main functions of environment from the following:

  1. Production function
  2. Regulation function
  3. Habitat function and consumption function
  4. Production, Regulation, Habitat and information


  1. The lowest rung of caste hierarchy is occupied by the
  1. Vaishyas
  2. Shudras
  3. Brahmins
  4. Kshatriyas


  1. Which of the following is a wrong match?
  1. Max Weber – Varna system
  2. Kari Marx – Class
  3. Oscar Lewis – Culture of poverty
  4. N. Shrinivas – Sanskritisation


  1. Proletariats are those who are:
  1. Wage workers
  2. Capitalists
  3. Traders
  4. Partners


  1. The number of deaths taking place in a year per thousand population is known as:
  1. Death rate
  2. Crude death rate
  3. Both (1) and (2)
  4. Reduction in population


  1. As compared to 1951 indicate the total number added in the population of India in the year 2001
  1. 1 crore
  2. 6 crores
  3. 8 crores
  4. 6 crores


  1. Every sixth person in the world lives in:
  1. China
  2. India
  3. Indonesia
  4. Brazil


  1. The term communalism does not mean:
  1. The tendency of one socio-religious group to maximize its gains at the expense of other group or groups
  2. The urge to promote the interests of a section of the population to the detriment of the whole society
  3. The tendency among communities to live and let live
  4. The tendency to politicize religion and use it as an ideology


  1. Despite occasional debates, India’s federal system has been fairly:
  1. Successful
  2. Durable
  3. Both (1) and (2)
  4. None of (1) and (2)


  1. Which out of the following factor is not responsible for the development of communalism?
  1. Colonial Legacy
  2. Electoral Politics and Communalism
  3. Method of the ruling class to reinforce their control
  4. Secular politics


  1. USA attack on Iraq in 2003 was:
  1. Arbitrary attack
  2. Security Council Decision
  3. UNO Decision
  4. NATO Decision


  1. NATO Stands for:
  1. North America Treaty Organisation
  2. North America Atlantic Treaty Organisation
  3. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
  4. North Atlantic Transportation Organisation


  1. The major factor that contributed to the dissolution of the USSR was
  1. Gorbachev Strategy
  2. CPSU Strategy
  3. Cold War Strategy
  4. Boris Yeltsin Strategy

OSS-101 Solved Question Paper December 2015

Thank You

OSS 101 Solved Question Paper June 2011 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper June 2011 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper June 2011 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper June 2011 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper June 2011 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper June 2011 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper June 2011 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper June 2011 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper June 2011 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper June 2011 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper June 2011 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper June 2011 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper June 2011 OSS 101 Solved Question Paper June 2011 

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