Sun. Sep 15th, 2024

BCS-012 June 2022 Solution

Q1 (a): Solve the following system of linear equations using Cramer’s rule:

x + y = 0;  y + z = 1;  z + x = 3

Solution: Refer to BCS-12 June 2021 Part 5 [Q4 (c)]

Time Stamp : 13:57 (Must see the description)

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Q1 (b): If  1, ω  and  ω2  are cube roots of unity, show that  (2 − ω)(2 − ω2)(2 − ω10)(2 − ω11) = 49.

Solution: Refer to BCS-12 December 2020 Part 4 [Q3 (b)]

Time Stamp : 13:21 (Must see the description)

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Q1 (c): Evaluate the integral  I=\int \frac{x^{2}}{\left ( x+1 \right )^{3}}\: dx.

Solution: Refer to BCS-12 June 2021 Part 2 [Q1 (h)]

Time Stamp : 49:03 (Must see the description)

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Q1 (d): Solve the inequality  \frac{5}{\left | x-3 \right |}<7.

Solution: Refer to BCS-12 June 2021 Part 2 [Q1 (g)]

Time Stamp : 33:23 (Must see the description)

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Q1 (e): Show that  \left | \begin{matrix} 1 &a &a^{2} \\1 &b &b^{2} \\1 &c &c^{2} \end{matrix} \right |=\left ( b-a \right )\left ( c-a \right )\left ( c-b \right ).

Solution: Refer to BCS-12 December 2020 Part 1 [Q1 (a)]

Time Stamp : 00:16 (Must see the description)

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Q1 (f): Find the quadratic equation whose roots are  (2 − √3)  and  (2 + √3).

Solution: Refer to BCS-12 December 2021 [Q1 (g)]

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Q1 (g): Find the sum of an infinite G.P. whose first term is 28 and fourth term is  4/49.

Solution: Refer to BCS-12 December 2020 Part 4 [Q3 (d)]

Time Stamp : 29:34 (Must see the description)

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Q1 (h): If  Z  is a complex number such that  |Z − 2i| = |Z + 2i|,  show that  Im (Z) = 0.

Solution: Refer to BCS-12 December 2021 [Q1 (c)]

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Q2 (a): Evaluate  \lim_{x\rightarrow 0}\; \frac{\sqrt{1+2x}-\sqrt{1-2x}}{x}\, .

Solution: Refer to BCS-12 December 2020 Part 2 [Q1 (d)]

Time Stamp : 00:16 (Must see the description)

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Q2 (b): Prove that the three medians of a triangle meet at a point called centroid of the triangle which divides each of the medians in the ratio of 2 : 1.


BCS-012 June 2022 Solution BCS-012 June 2022 Solution


Q2 (c): A young child is flying kite which is at a height of 50 m. The wind is carrying the kite horizontally away from the child at a speed of 6.5 m/s. How fast must the kite string be let out when the string is 130 m ?


BCS-012 June 2022 Solution


Q3 (a): Using Principle of Mathematical Induction, show that  n(n + 1)(2n + 1)  is a multiple of  6  for every natural number  n.


BCS-012 June 2022 Solution


Q3 (b): Find the points of local minima and local maxima for

f\left ( x \right )=\frac{3}{4}x^{4}-8x^{3}+\frac{45}{2}x^{2}+2015\, .

Solution: Refer to BCS-12 December 2021 [Q2 (b)]

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Q3 (c): Determine the 100th term of the Harmonic progression  \frac{1}{7},\frac{1}{15},\frac{1}{23},\frac{1}{31},\: ....

Solution: Refer to BCS-12 December 2021 [Q3 (c)]

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Q3 (d): Find the length of the curve  y = 2x 3/2  from (1, 2) to (4, 16).

Solution: Refer to BCS-12 December 2020 Part 5 [Q4 (b)]

Time Stamp : 17:58 (Must see the description)

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Q4 (a): Determine the shortest distance between the lines

\vec{r_{1}}=\left ( 1+\lambda \right )\hat{i}+\left( 2-\lambda \right )\hat{j}+\left ( 1+\lambda \right )\hat{k} and

\vec{r_{2}}=2\left ( 1+\mu \right )\hat{i}+\left ( 1-\mu \right )\hat{j}+\left ( -1+2\mu \right )\hat{k}.

Solution: Refer to BCS-12 December 2021 [Q2 (a)]

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Q4 (b): Find the area lying between two curves

y = 3 + 2xy = 3 − x,  0 ≤ x ≤ 3

using integration.


BCS-012 June 2022 Solution


Q4 (c): If  y=1+ln\left ( x+\sqrt{x^{2}+1} \right ) , prove that  \left ( x^{2}+1 \right )\frac{d^{2}y}{dx^{2}}+x\frac{dy}{dx}=0.

Solution: Refer to BCS-12 June 2021 Part 2 [Q1 (e)]

Time Stamp : 07:30 (Must see the description)

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Q4 (d): Find the angle between the lines 

\vec{r_{1}}=2\hat{i}+3\hat{j}-4\hat{k}+t\left ( \hat{i}-2\hat{j}+2\hat{k} \right )  and

\vec{r_{2}}=3\hat{i}-5\hat{k}+s\left ( 3\hat{i}-2\hat{j}+6\hat{k} \right ).

Solution: Refer to BCS-12 June 2021 Part 1 [Q1 (c)]

Time Stamp : 23:18 (Must see the description)

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Q5 (a): If  A=\begin{bmatrix} -1 &2 &3 \\4 &5 &7 \\5 &3 &4 \end{bmatrix} , show that  A(adj A) = O.


BCS-012 June 2022 Solution


Q5 (b): Use De Moivre’s theorem to find  (√3 + 1)3.

Solution: Refer to BCS-12 June 2021 Part 3 [Q2 (d)]

Time Stamp : 28:24 (Must see the description)

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Q5 (c): Show that   \left | \vec{a} \right |\vec{b}+\left | \vec{b} \right |\vec{a}   is perpendicular to  \left | \vec{a} \right |\vec{b}-\left | \vec{b} \right |\vec{a} ,  for any two non zero vectors  \vec{a}  and  \vec{b} .

Solution: Refer to BCS-12 December 2021 [Q1 (d)]

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Q5 (d): If  y=ln\left [ e^{x}\left ( \frac{x-2}{x+2} \right )^{\frac{3}{4}} \right ] , find  \frac{dy}{dx} .

Solution: Refer to BCS-12 June 2021 Part 5 [Q4 (d)]

Time Stamp : 25:48 (Must see the description)

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