Fri. Oct 18th, 2024

Madhyamik ABTA Test Papers 2024 : English Page 22

ENGLISH (Second Language)


1. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:

Just think how much more he gets out of his life than you do out of yours! And the sports they have, too! As they get older they go in for sport to the suburban backyards. These backyards that are dull to us, are to them hunting grounds where they have more gallant adventure than King Arthur’s Knights ever had.

It is always spoken as a reproach against cats that they are more fond of their home than the people in it. Naturally, the cat doesn’t like to leave his country, the land where all his friends are, and where he knows every landmark. Exiled in a new land, he would have to learn a new geography. So, when the family moves, the cat, if allowed, will stay at the old house and attach himself to the new tenants. He will give them the privilege of boarding him while he enjoys life in his own way.


A. Write the correct alternative in the given space to complete the following sentences:

(a) According to the narrator cat gets from life much more than………

(i) any creature (ii) a man (iii) other animals (iv) everyone


(ii) a man


(b) Cats go in for sports when they….

(i) are young (ii) grow older (iii) are tired (iv) are angry


(ii) grow older

(c)The narrator considers that King Arthur’s Knights were not so…..

(i) strong as a cat (ii) friendly as a cat (iii) intelligent as a cat (iv) adventurous as a cat


(iv) adventurous as a cat


(d) The ground where the cat likes to hunt is the…..

(i) backyard (ii) frontyard (iii) courtyard (iv) churchyard


(i) backyard


(e) After the family moves away, the cat likes to live…..

(i) alone (ii) in other houses (iii) with the new tenants (iv) in the woods.


(iii) with the new tenants


B. Complete the following senctences with information from the text:

(i) People always speak against the cat that ______

(ii) King Arthur’s Knights had gallant adventure, but the cats _______

(iii) When the family moves, the cat wants to _______


(i) People always speak against the cat that it is more fond of its home than the people in it.

(ii) King Arthur’s Knights had gallant adventure, but the cats have more gallant adventure in suburban backyards.

(iii) When the family moves, the cat wants to stay at the old house and attach itself to the new tenants.

C. Fill in the chart with information from the text:

Statement Reason
(i) The cat enjoys adventurous activities in the backyard (i)
(ii) (ii) He knows every landmark of the area.


Statement Reason
(i) The cat enjoys adventurous activities in the backyard (i) The backyard is considered a hunting ground for the cat, where they have more gallant adventure than King Arthur’s Knights ever had.

(ii) The cat doesn’t like to leave his country, the land where all his friends are, and where he knows every landmark. (ii) He knows every landmark of the area.

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2. Read the poem and answer the questions that follow:

To grass, or leaf, or fruit, or wall

The snail sticks close, nor fears to fall

As if he grew there, house and all,


Within that house secure he hides

When danger imminent betides

Of storm, or other harm besides

                                              Of weather.

A. Tick the right answer:

(a) The snail does not have the fear of

(i) insult 

(ii) death

(iii) being old

(iv) fall

Answer: (iv) fall


(b) The snail seems to grow together with

(i) a house

(ii) an igloo

(iii) a wall

(iv) a tent

Answer: (i) a house

(c) The snail hides securely within

(i) the leaf

(ii) the fruit

(iii) the grass

(iv) the house

Answer: (iv) the house


(d) The snail finds danger in

(i) rain

ii) flood 

(iii) storm 

(iv) earthquake

Answer: (iii) storm 

B. Answer the following questions:

(i) Name the poem and the poet. 


Poem: To a Snail”    

Poet: Marianne Moore


(ii) Where does the snail generally stick close to?


The snail generally sticks close to grass, leaf, fruit, or wall.



3. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:

Cheetah Oban aka Pavan, which had strayed out of Kuno National Park in Madhya Pradesh multiple times and had to be rescued from far- off locations, has been shifted to an enclosure in the park, a senior forest department official said. The male cheetah had wandered outside the KNP at least two times this month. In the latest incident, the feline was tranquillised on April 22 while it was about to cross over to a forest in neighbouring Uttar Pradesh and brought back to the KNP. On April 7, Pavan was rescued from the Bairad area in Madhya Pradesh’s Shivpuri after being tranquilised, Officials had said.

KNP divisional forest officer Prakash Kumar Verma confirmed that Pavan had now been shifted to a large enclosure, where the feline is staying with two female cheetahs. Pavan and the female Cheetah Asha were released into the wild on March 11, almost six months after they were brought to the KNP from Africa. Two other felines, Elton and Freddie, were released into the park’s free range area on March 22.

The KNP has seen the death of two cheetahs – a male and a female – in less in less than a month. On April 23, the male cheetah Uday, translocated from South Africa in February this year, died of cardio-pulmonary failure. One of the eight Namibian cheetahs, Sasha, aged more than four and a half years, died of a kidney ailment on March 27. Under Project Cheetah for reintroducing the species that became extinct in India in 1952, a total of 20 felines, including 10 females, were translocated to the KNP in Sheopur district from Namibia and South Africa in two batches in September 2022 and February this year.

[Adapted from an article published in The Telegraph dated 26 April 2023]

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A.Tick the right answer:

(i) Pavan strayed out of KNP that month at least

(a) one time

(b) two times

(c) tree times

(d) four times

Answer: (b) two times

(ii) Elton and Freddie were released into the park on

(a) 22 April

(b) 7 April

(c) 22 March

(d) 23 April

Answer: (c) 22 March

(iii) It was reported that cheetah Uday died of

(a) kidney failure

(b) cardio-vascular failure

(c) nervous system failure

(d) cardio- pulmonary failure

Answer: (d) cardio-pulmonary failure


(iv) When Sasha died, it was only

(a) four years old

(b) more than four years old

(c) one year old

(d) more than four and half years old

Answer: (b) more than four years old


(v) To reintroduce the species in two batches number of cheetahs brought from South Africa and Namibia were

(a) 20

(b) 30

(c) 1952

(d) 2022

Answer: (a) 20

(vi) Pavan strayed out of the KNP and he was seen wandering on April 7 in

(a) Sheopur area

(b) in neighbouring Uttar Pradesh

(c) Bairad area

(d) Koriya area

Answer: (c) Bairad area


B. Each of the following statements is either ‘True’ or ‘False’. Write ‘T’ for True and ‘F’ for ‘False’ in the boxes on the right-hand side. Also pick out suitable line(s) or phrase(s) from the passage in support of your answers:

(i) On April 22 Pavan crossed over to the forest of Uttar Pradesh.

Supporting Sentence:

Answer: False

Supporting Sentence: “On April 22, the feline was tranquillized while it was about to cross over to a forest in neighboring Uttar Pradesh.”


(ii) After being rescued Pavan remained in  the enclosure along with other inmates.

Supporting Sentence:

Answer: False

Supporting Sentence: “KNP divisional forest officer Prakash Kumar Verma confirmed that Pavan had now been shifted to a large enclosure, where the feline is staying with two female cheetahs.”


(iii) Sasha was brought from Namibia

Supporting Sentence:

Answer: True

Supporting Sentence: “Under Project Cheetah for reintroducing the species that became extinct in India in 1952, a total of 20 felines, including 10 females, were translocated to the KNP in Sheopur district from Namibia and South Africa in two batches in September 2022 and February this year.”

C. Answer the following questions:

(i) What does KNP stand for?

Answer: KNP stands for Kuno National Park.


(ii) What did the divisional forest officer say about Pavan?

Answer: The divisional forest officer confirmed that Pavan had been shifted to a large enclosure, where he is staying with two female cheetahs.


(iii) What happened to Pavan on March 11?

Answer: Pavan and the female Cheetah Asha were released into the wild on March 11.


(iv) What was the aim of project Cheetah?

Answer: The aim of Project Cheetah was to reintroduce the species that became extinct in India in 1952.



4. Write the correct alternative to fill in the blanks:

Three workers ______ (die/died/had died) because of possible asphyxiation while they _____ (tried/ had tried/ were trying) to remove wooden planks from newly-casted concrete walls of a septic tank. They _____ (brought/ were brought/ had brought) out and rushed to the local hospital where doctors declared brought-dead.


Three workers died because of possible asphyxiation while they were trying to remove wooden planks from newly-casted concrete walls of a septic tank. They were brought out and rushed to the local hospital where doctors declared brought-dead.

5. Do as directed:

A. Fill in the blanks with appropriate article or preposition :

It took _____few minutes before all came to realise that the train had collided _____ a goods train coming ____

the opposite direction.


It took a few minutes before all came to realize that the train had collided with a goods train coming from the opposite direction.


B. (i) Does she sing a song? (Change the voice)

Answer: Is a song sung by her?


(ii) The crowd said, “Long live President.” (Change into indirect speech)

Answer: The crowd exclaimed that the President should live long.


(iii) The dog is the most faithful of all animals. (Change the degree of comparision)

Answer: No other animal is as faithful as the dog.


C. Choose the correct phrasal verbs from the list given below to replace the words underlined. Write the correct phrasal verbs in the boxes on the right-hand side changing the form where necessary. There is one extra phrasal verbs in the list. 

[look into, give off, give up, make out]

(i) The flower emits a sweet smell.

Answer: The flower gives off a sweet smell.


(ii) Mita could not understand what her friend was saying.

Answer: Mita could not make out what her friend was saying.


(iii) The teacher is examining the answer script.

Answer: The teacher is looking into the answer script.

6. Given below are the meanings of four words which you will find in the passage in Question No.3. Find out the words and write them in the appropriate boxes on the right-hand side: 

(i) made calm by means of drug.

Answer: tranquilized


(ii) no longer in existence

Answer: extinct


(iii) illness

Answer: ailment


(iv) moved from one place to another

Answer: translocated


SECTION-C (Writing)

7. Your club is going to organise a Health Awarness Programme. As the secretary to the club draft a notice for its members with the following points :

[How you like to organise it _____ area of your work _____ how long you want to work ______ measures you want to take _____ when you propose to start.]


[Your Club Name]

[Club Logo/Heading]


Date: [Date]

Dear Members,

Subject: Health Awareness Programme

We are excited to announce that our club will be organizing a Health Awareness Programme to promote well-being among our members and the community. We believe that good health is the foundation for a fulfilling life, and it is essential to raise awareness about maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Here are the key details of the Health Awareness Programme:

  1. Organization: We plan to organize interactive sessions, workshops, and health check-up camps.
  2. Area of Focus: The programme will cover various aspects of health, including physical fitness, mental well-being, and nutrition.
  3. Duration: The programme is intended to run for a month, ensuring a comprehensive and in-depth exploration of health-related topics.
  4. Measures: To make the programme engaging and effective, we will collaborate with qualified health professionals, nutritionists, and fitness trainers. Interactive sessions, expert talks, and informative materials will be part of the programme.
  5. Commencement: The Health Awareness Programme is scheduled to start on [Proposed Start Date]. We encourage all members to actively participate and make the most out of this initiative.

Let’s prioritize our health and well-being together!

For further details and registration, please contact [Club Contact Person] at [Contact Details].

Stay healthy, stay happy!


[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Club Name]


8. The following chart describes how edible oil is prepared from mustard seeds. With the help of the chart below write a paragraph on how mustard oil is produced :

[Seeds collected and dried _____ put in a big bowl ______ crushed ______ mixing a little water to extract oil _____ oil cakes separated ______ oil collected and sealed _______ ready for use.]


Mustard oil is produced through a systematic process starting with the collection and drying of mustard seeds. Once the seeds are dried, they are placed in a large bowl where they undergo the crucial step of being crushed. This process is followed by mixing a small amount of water to extract the oil from the crushed seeds. Subsequently, the oil cakes are separated from the mixture. The final product, the extracted mustard oil, is then collected and carefully sealed, making it ready for use. This method ensures the efficient extraction of oil from mustard seeds, providing a valuable and widely used edible oil. The entire process reflects the careful handling and precision involved in producing high-quality mustard oil for consumption.


9. Write a letter to your friend advising him/her to practise physical exercise regularly.

Points: Introduction ______ value of good health ______ when to get up from sleep ______ physical exercises _______ benefits of regular exercise.


[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, ZIP Code]


Dear [Friend’s Name],

I hope you’re well. I wanted to talk to you about the importance of regular physical exercise for good health. It’s not just about avoiding illness; it’s a holistic approach to well-being.

Waking up early aligns with our body’s natural rhythm and sets a positive tone for the day. Incorporating physical exercises, even if it’s a short daily routine, brings numerous health benefits. It contributes to cardiovascular health, weight management, and boosts overall fitness.

The positive effects extend to mental well-being, reducing stress and enhancing mood. I encourage you to consider adding a simple exercise routine to your day. It’s an investment in your health and a step toward a more fulfilling life.

Take care and stay healthy!

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

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